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Roy Sheppard

Making your meeting relevant, interactive, engaging, insightful, inspiring and fun (and serious when it needs to be).

Social media speaker:

Specialist conference and international congress MC, facilitator and workshop speaker/trainer, in particular corporate and association medical and technology events. Professional webinar host & executive producer.

Profile photo of Roy Sheppard

About Roy Sheppard

Former BBC TV news anchorman and network radio interviewer. Today, Roy is one of the most highly-experienced conference moderators, Roy facilitates high-stakes advisory boards and ‘C’ level strategy meetings. Roy is particularly event-tech savvy and is one of very few people who are adept at delivering online, hybrid and multi-hub meetings. He advises clients on how to deliver more engaging events and coaches your speakers, He is the 'conscience of your audience'.


Speaking engagement:

Moderator | Interviewer | Emcee, Keynote | Conference Speaker, Voice Over, Breakout Session


Facilitators | Presenters | Moderators, Public Speaking | Storytelling, Marketing | Sales | Service

Best Audience:

Csuite/ Executives, Associations, Medical/ Healthcare, Young Professionals/ Young Talent

Travels from:

United Kingdom



Fee range:

from $5000 up to $8000


Online Training

Presentation Skills for Medical Professionals. Based on 15 years teaching medical professionals how to create and deliver engaging medical talks and lectures.


Referrals: The Classy Way. How to spend more time talking to potential cusotmers and clients who WANT to talk to you, and less (or no) time talking to those who don't.

ONLINE Training

The ultimate resource for new and battle-weary freelancers of all types. Learn how to attract more full-fee work.



Book cover Rapid Result Referrals: 100s of practical tips and ideas to attract more clients

Rapid Result Referrals: 100s of practical tips and ideas to attract more clients

Nobody cares how great you say you are. This book explains precisely how to build your business through word-of-mouth and referrals by developing a powerful fan club for you and your company.

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Book cover All About You:Cool Life Secrets. The Truth about Romance, Self-Esteem, Health, Happiness and Inspiration for Teen Girls.

All About You:Cool Life Secrets. The Truth about Romance, Self-Esteem, Health, Happiness and Inspiration for Teen Girls.

Life guide for teen girls. What every woman wishes she'd known when she was young. Including what parents CAN'T bring themselves to tell you!

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Book cover Girls Money Power: and other cool life secrets for teen guys

Girls Money Power: and other cool life secrets for teen guys

Life guide for teen boys. What every man wishes he'd known when he was young. Including what parents CAN'T bring themselves to tell you!

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Book cover Meet Greet & Prosper: turn more strangers into real friends and valuable business contacts

Meet Greet & Prosper: turn more strangers into real friends and valuable business contacts

For all your future delegates! How to network at your next conference. A quick one-hour read to build confidence and learn simple, but highly effective techniques to make more meaningful connections at events.

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Andreas Felser

Event Director, EANM (The European Association of Nuclear Medicine).

His professionalism and very British sense of humour transformed our conventionally stiff events into entertaining, interactive shows. ... he succeeded in connecting people …and left a lasting impression with all of us. If you have ever the chance to work with him – do it!

Amanda Davey

Head of Events, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries UK.

“I would urge you to book Roy as a facilitator…His energy is superb, he is so enthusiastic it is infectious and I have always left his presentations feeling motivated! Always professional, always on time, always within the event brief and always exceeding expectations!

John Cresser-Brown

VP Medical Education EMEA, ZimmerBiomet Institute

His stimulating approach is always well received, giving plenty of practical pearls on how to present effectively and dealing with the unexpected. Most importantly, Roy’s techniques to build confidence and deal with the common issue of nerves has been extremely helpful to us.

Roy Sheppard