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Dr. Marcia Reynolds

Award-winning author - Transformational Leadership/Outsmart Your Brain. Recognized by Global Gurus as the #3 Coach in the world.

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Marcia's mastery in holding meaningful conversations that inspire change helps leaders create agile work environments with high engagement and significant results. Her clients make successful changes and cultural shifts implementing her ideas.

Profile photo of Dr. Marcia Reynolds

About Dr. Marcia Reynolds

Dr. Marcia Reynolds, Master Certified Coach, has provided executive coaching, leadership and coach training programs, and keynote speaking in 41 countries. She is recognized by the Global Gurus as the #3 coach in the world. Prior to coaching, she ran training departments for global companies. She designed the culture change programs that helped one company launch the most successful IPO in the United States in 1993. Excerpts from her award-winning books have appeared in publications world-wide.


Speaking engagement:

Keynote | Conference Speaker, Coach, Trainer | Mentor


Leadership, Performance | Change | Productivity, Public Speaking | Storytelling

Field of Speaker:

Mental coaches

Best Audience:

Csuite/ Executives, Managers/ Supervisors, Associations, Women

Travels from:

United States



Fee range:

from $5000 up to $10000


Transformational Leadership: How to Quickly Connect, Influence, and Uplift

In today’s busy and unpredictable world, how to instantly connect with people is more important than the words you carefully choose. This is especially true for difficult conversations where you want people to change their behavior. Your intentions, emotions, and regard for the person will affect the outcome. Then, your listening position will not only build rapport, you will discover what words to use to move people forward. This keynote will shift your thinking about how long it takes to change people’s minds and what you need to listen for to makes a long-lasting and meaningful difference. - Replace superficial exchanges with revolutionary conversations that inspire engagement and innovation - Use reflective techniques and full-body presence to ensure productive results - Learn the steps necessary for building trust, safety, and the willingness to explore possibilities in difficult conversations Learn how the power of connection can enlighten and uplift those you are with.

Outsmart Your Brain: How to Master Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel

You can either be the master of your brain or a victim of your emotional reactions. Your brain can get the best of you when you are under pressure, irritated, or just plain busy. This keynote includes interactive exercises to immediately help you ease your tension, settle arguments, and help everyone you are with succeed. - Learn how to “catch your emotions” before you react. - Determine the circumstances that are likely to trigger your emotions and judgments. - Apply a 4-Step Process to powerfully shift your emotions and connect with others energetically. - Design your life so you are the master of your mind and actions.

Success Strategies for Women with Dreams

Most women work hard to realize their highest potential yet the pursuit often leaves them feeling more exhausted than proud. The resolution isn’t in managing time. The challenge is to focus their energy on their purpose, to choose who they want to be and how they want to feel when speaking up, and to maximize their gifts and talents without being overwhelmed by commitments. When women learn and practice these abilities, they feel more balanced and satisfied even when their day is full. The audience will learn how to: - Release the Burden of Greatness while maintaining passion and drive. - Identify and claim inner strengths to fire-up resiliency and achieve more desired results. - Strengthen relationships, maximize influence, and create a powerful presence by choosing how to show up and be heard.


Leader as Coach

Drawing on recent discoveries in the neurosciences and workplace motivation, this interactive program teaches the latest techniques for stimulating the new thinking and long term behavioral change needed to create breakthrough results in the workplace. One of the common challenges that leaders face is getting people to see the blind spots and points of resistance that keep them from intentionally moving forward. Telling people what is wrong is an inefficient way of changing behavior. Using threats and offering rewards for change also do not produce long term results. The most powerful way for a leader to change people’s minds is to help them to think more broadly for themselves using a coaching approach. Listening, reflecting on what you hear and sense, and then asking powerful questions can actually change how a person sees himself and the world around him. These discoveries lead to permanent and positive behavioral change. Leaders who are committed to helping others grow their mind as well as their skills will be most successful in this quickly changing world. Designed as a highly interactive learning experience, this program will give leaders new approaches to creating breakthrough moments in their performance and development conversations. Participants will walk away with practical skills and renewed confidence about how to truly help others think more broadly for themselves. If you want to create a program to create a coaching culture in your organization, contact us for more information. TRAINING OBJECTIVES: - Learn new ideas in learning and behavioral change based on recent brain research, indicating the value of coaching for leaders. - Decide when a coaching conversation is most useful, or when mentoring or a more direct approach would be better. - Determine how to blend mentoring and managing with coaching for the most beneficial results. - Identify what mental positions are necessary to hold during difficult conversation so the person stays receptive to the conversation. - Differentiate the three levels of listening and what can be heard at each level. - Identify the typical causes of blind spots and resistance in people in performance conversations. - Learn a model of coaching most useful for changing people’s minds as well as solving problems. - Practice listening from the three major processing centers in your nervous system so you know what reflections to share and powerful questions to ask that will create a broader reality, permanently changing a person’s mind for better results. - Practice presencing techniques to manage your emotions during the process. - Learn and practice a feedback technique to use at the start of a coaching conversation to be clear on the result that is required. - Create your own ongoing development plan for improvement. FOLLOW UP sessions can be designed as Coaching Case Clinics to provide ongoing development.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders: How Leaders Engage Employees for Better Commitment and Results

This program not only heightens the awareness leaders have of their impact on others, it teaches them how to choose words, actions and emotions that inspire others to excel. The ability to connect and inspire with emotions is not only a necessary leadership competency, it gives leaders the ability to positively change the minds and lives of others in a way that people appreciate forever. Dr. Reynolds will help you understand and consciously choose your own emotional states, and then use skills to help others ease tensions, adapt to change, and move from problems to possibilities when faced with difficult situations. Overview of the Program: The program will include three sections: managing self, understanding others, and using conversational skills to get good results from difficult situations. If practiced by many leaders in your organization, you can evolve your workplace to improve connections and innovation as people look forward to working in an environment that supports both expression and respect. During the full-day presentation, you will learn how to: - Become emotionally self-aware so you can catch and release your emotions before you react, giving you more control over your brain. - Identify your most common emotional triggers and the three choices you have when they show up. - Use various techniques to shift into the optimal productive state to make the best emotional, relationship, and task-related decisions in the moment - Establish an emotional connection with clients and colleagues to enhance negotiations and persuasiveness. - Mentally prepare for difficult conversations to ensure positive outcomes, and then practice a 4-step process for staying present and engaged throughout the meeting to ensure engagement and results. Program Outline (1 or 2 days customized to your needs)



Book cover The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs

The Discomfort Zone: How Leaders Turn Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs

For leaders and coaches – learn new approaches for prompting people to think through problems, see situations more strategically, and transcend their limitations.

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Book cover Outsmart Your Brain: How to Manage Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel

Outsmart Your Brain: How to Manage Your Mind When Emotions Take the Wheel

Explanations, exercises, and tips for making better decisions and connecting with others. Be the master, not the victim of your brain!

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Book cover Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction

Wander Woman: How High-Achieving Women Find Contentment and Direction

Discover the unique challenges smart, strong women face in the workplace, and then complete the exercises to develop your strategies for personal and professional success.

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News cover Brain Tips for Leaders and Coaches

Brain Tips for Leaders and Coaches

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Keith Frederick

Head of Organizational Resilience, Duke Clinical Research Institute

It was a truly memorable day. I am very grateful for the time and effort you took to explain how a person can understand and better respond to emotions, overcome stress, and heighten their awareness about how words and actions impact others. You are an outstanding speaker.

Z. Orem

HR Director, World Vision, Somalia

You gave me a new dimension and techniques I have practiced ever since your program. As a result, I am hoping to see the development of more leaders in our organization plus a higher level of service, improved staff morale and commitment of heart and energy.

Jin Zhang

VP of Product , CA Technologies

I invited Marcia to present to CA Technologies global women network on the topic of turning difficult conversations into positive outcome, and it was one of our most popular talks. Research-backed, actionable tips, empathetic problem-solving approach - a powerful program!

Dr. Marcia Reynolds