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Linda Nazareth

Economist, Author and Expert on the Future of Work

Social media speaker:

It is time for leadership: we can choose to control the future of work, or we can let it control us. In my presentations I put the trends into perspective and look at best practices for business and all players as we face the economy now unfolding.

Profile photo of Linda Nazareth

About Linda Nazareth

Linda Nazareth is an economist, futurist and expert on the future of work. The author of four books, she is also a regular columnist for the Globe and Mail. As a sought-after keynote speaker, Linda’s audiences have spanned a range of audiences and have included clients such as The Economist Magazine, American Express, E & Y and the Bank of Montreal all of whom have benefitted from the way that she can take huge ideas and distill them into information that organizations can use for their own strategic plans


Speaking engagement:

Keynote | Conference Speaker, Moderator | Interviewer | Emcee


Business | Management | Strategy, Future | Trends, Society | Culture | Education

Field of Speaker:

Economists | Financial Experts, Futurists | Trend Forecasters, Media personalities | Journalists

Best Audience:

Csuite/ Executives, Associations, Women, Managers/ Supervisors

Travels from:




Fee range:

from $8000 up to $12000



The world is changing and so is the very notion of ‘work’. For years we have been told that our aging workforce will mean a shortage of workers in many industries. More recently, the narrative has changed to one where robots do everyone’s work and there are not enough jobs to go around. Which view of the future is correct? More important, how will our lives and organizations change as we navigate the changing realities In this much-requested presentation based on her book of the same title, Linda Nazareth casts an economist’s eye to the way the big trends are changing our realities. From looking at the way global change, demographics, and technology are coming together to reshape the work world through to examining the challenges for individuals, businesses, and governments, she sketches a world that is both unsettling and exciting. How can you best prepare for a world where work is not a place? Start with Linda’s presentation and feel like you can meet the future head-on.


The next decade will be a time of unprecedented transformation, a time when waves of disruption rock the economy and the world that we know. The leadership challenge ahead will be unprecedented: decision-makers will face a never-ending need to think quickly and adapt instantaneously to change while at the same time crafting the best long-term path and inspiring confidence in those around them. In this inspiring presentation, economist Linda Nazareth talks about the forces that will re-make the economy in the years ahead and the challenge that they will pose in terms of leadership. Using examples of how companies have coped with previous disruptions she will look both at the lessons from the past as well as how and why leaders must make their own history as they deal with what lies ahead.


From globalization to urbanization to dealing with demographic change, the world we know is morphing into a different planet with different economic opportunities and challenges. What are the trends taking today into tomorrow, and what are the trends that are resulting from the shift? In ‘Economorphics’ , Linda Nazareth talks about the dozens of things she sees happening, and the challenges – and opportunities they present to the economy, the labor market and the financial markets – and to your industry as well.


Europe, the U.S., oil prices, interest rates, population change, currency markets, the markets and more – what is the big picture and how do you make the right decisions to stay ahead of the curve? How does North America fit into the mix – and how do you plan for your own industry and investments? In this presentation Linda Nazareth looks at the economic outlook, the opportunities in the face of challenges, and the way that the larger picture will affect your own business interests.


Is your organization looking to the future with an eye to re-thinking strategy? As a kick-off to your strategic planning sessions, let Linda Nazareth give you a big picture view of the world with an eye to where your organization fits with the future. Presentations will be tailored to your organization, incorporating your specific demographic and economic concerns.



Book cover Work Is Not a Place: Our Lives and Our Organizations in the Post-Jobs Economy

Work Is Not a Place: Our Lives and Our Organizations in the Post-Jobs Economy

In Work Is Not a Place: Our Lives and Our Organizations in the Post-Jobs Economy, Linda Nazareth casts an economist’s eye on these vital questions and others. How are global change, demographics, and technology coming together to reshape the work world? What challenges will individuals, businesses, and governments face in the coming years? In examining the ways in which big trends are changing what used to be our reliable touchstones, Nazareth presents an engaging, informed look at a future reality that is both unsettling and exciting.

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Book cover Economorphics: The Trends Changing Today into Tomorrow

Economorphics: The Trends Changing Today into Tomorrow

In clear, entertaining prose, Nazareth outlines the biggest trends that will shape the next two decades. You need a strategic plan – whether for your business, your portfolio, your career or your life. The starting point is understanding the Economorphics – so make sure you do, and take control of your future.

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Book cover The Leisure Economy

The Leisure Economy

For the past three decades, we have been steadily creating an extreme 'time-crunch economy' that has affected jobs, portfolios, businesses and lives. But the 'time-crunch economy' is turning into 'the leisure economy' and it will mean wrenching adjustments for our lives and institutions. Everyone from consumers, investors, businesses, and policy-makers will need to understand the changes afoot.

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News cover Columnist, The Globe and Mail

Columnist, The Globe and Mail

Columnist on trends in economics, demographics and the future of work

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News cover Blogger, Relentless Economics

Blogger, Relentless Economics

Blogger for own website

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Event Organizer for Meeting of C-Suite Executives

, Marcus Hotels

Linda Nazareth shares a breadth of information that business leaders need to know in order to make informed decisions. She presents the information in an engaging and informative way leaving the audience with an increased knowledge base and an energized mindset toward the topic.

Event Organizer

Certified Financial Analysts (CFA) Conference

Linda did a great job – she was prepared, engaged, and interesting. My only comment would be that I wish we could have allocated more time to her (this was our call), as I think she would have held the audience for longer!

Phil Rahrig

Executive Director , American Galvanizers Association

My association engaged Ms. Linda Nazareth to provide the keynote address to our annual conference. She delivered a dynamic presentation linking demographics to economic and population changes…the audience was very engaged and impressed with Linda’s mastery of the topic."

Linda Nazareth