"As someone who has known Daniel Armstrong for nearly 40 years, I can think of no one better to inspire people of all ages to follow their dreams and achieve their goals."
"Daniel Armstrong's presentation and out-of-the-box thinking was just what our team needed."
"Daniel Armstrong's Find A Tree workshop inspired me to stop making excuses and to pursue my dreams today, to be a better team player and to become the catalyst to my own success."
"Daniel Armstrong's presentation is unbelievable and very inspirational."
Daniel inspires and empowers audiences to achieve their dreams through his program-- Find A Tree. While in Ghana, Daniel advised teen aged brothers who dreamed of having their own school, but had no resources, to "find a tree and start their school there." Acting upon Daniel's advice, the aspiring teachers soon had 100 students. Seeing their success a local businessman donated a building to the use as their school. Thus, bringing their dream to fruition and inspired Daniel to create the Find A Tree program.
Keynote | Conference Speaker, Coach, Trainer | Mentor
Leadership, Motivation | Achievement | Inspiration, Performance | Change | Productivity, Society | Culture | Education
Academics, Adults, Associations, Csuite/ Executives, Diverse, Managers/ Supervisors
United States
from $7000 up to $15000
Attendees will be motivated and empowered to take action on their dreams. They will have the mindset and strategies to overcome obstacles, to lead, and to make their dreams a reality. In addition to a 30-minute “How to Live Your Dream” presentation, optional segments include the following: 1. Introductory video – 15 minutes 2. “In the Ring with Daniel Armstrong” Audience volunteers share their dreams with Daniel, and he shows volunteers how to get started immediately on their dreams. Daniel “knocks out” excuses as he shows participants how to make immediate progress on their dreams. 3. Question & Answer period
"How to Live Your Dreams" is a how-to book that begins with what: What is your dream and what can you do to reach it? Renowned motivational speaker and dream coach, Daniel Armstrong, provides a step-by-step model for self-empowerment, extending beyond simple encouragement and into active guidance – inspiring readers to overcome obstacles in pursuit of their dreams. • A Practical Blueprint for Personal and Professional Growth • Lessons That Jump Off the Pages to Spark Real Life Change • Thoughtful Exercises That Transition Readers from Dreamers to Doers • A Powerful Journey of Self-Discovery and Progress • The Best Chapter Is Unwritten – It’s Where You Pursue Your Dreams From front to back, How to Live Your Dreams methodically unveils Armstrong’s keys to success, while engaging readers to apply them to their own lives. There will be transformations, as excuses become opportunities. There will be results,as challenges become triumphs. How much different will your life be when your dreams come true?Find a tree and get started…
As someone who has known Daniel Armstrong for nearly 40 years, I can think of no one better to inspire people of all ages to follow their dreams and achieve their goals.
Daniel Armstrong's presentation and out-of-the-box thinking was just what our team needed.
Daniel Armstrong's Find A Tree workshop inspired me to stop making excuses and to pursue my dreams today, to be a better team player and to become the catalyst to my own success.