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Brett King

KING OF DISRUPTORS, GODFATHER OF FINTECH! - Speaker, Startup Founder, Bestselling Author, Radio Host, TV Commentator

Social media speaker:

Leading global speaker, a pragmatic futurist, who covers the future of business, technology and society. Visually stunning presentations, a great sense of humor, custom made videos and an easy going collaborative working style.

Profile photo of Brett King

About Brett King

Brett King is a futurist, an Amazon bestselling author, an award winning speaker, hosts a globally recognized radio show, is the Founder and Executive Chairman of neo-bank Moven, and in his spare time enjoys flying as an IFR pilot, scuba diving, motor racing, gaming and Sci-Fi. He advised the Obama administration on the Future of Banking, and has spoken on the future in 50 countries in just the last 3 years.



Future | Trends, Facilitators | Presenters | Moderators, Finance | Micro and Macro Economics, Innovation | Creativity, Technology

Field of Speaker:

Futurists | Trend Forecasters, Entrepreneurs, Authors, Innovators | Visionairs

Travels from:

United States

Fee range:

from $30000 up to $40000


Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane

The Biggest Disruptions to society emerging over the next 20-30 years, and how we might adapt personally including Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Technology Experiences, Health Tech and Gene Therapy, and Smart Infrastructure

Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere Never at a Bank

Brett takes you on a journey through 300 years of banking and innovation, looking at the forces working to completely reinvent banking, money and credit for our day to day needs, and why banks may not be best suited to lead this charge.

The Rise of Technosocialism

With AI changing our lives, increasing inequality, and the impact of climate change accelerating, how will these forces shape the world order that emerges? Brett explores how politics, economics and social cohesion may be thrown on their head.



Book cover Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane

Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane

The Internet and smartphone are just the latest in a 250 year long cycle of disruption that has continuously changed the way we live, the way we work and the way we interact. The coming Augmented Age, however, promises a level of disruption, behavioral shifts and changes that are unparalleled. While consumers today are camping outside of an Apple store waiting to be one of the first to score a new Apple Watch or iPhone, the next generation of wearables will be able to predict if we're likely to have a heart attack and recommend a course of action. We watch news of Google's self-driving cars, but don't likely realize this means progressive cities will have to ban human drives in the next decade because us humans are too risky. Following on from the Industrial or Machine Age, the Space Age and the Digital Age, the Augmented Age will be based on four key disruptive themes - Artificial Intelligence, Experience Design, Smart Infrastructure, and HealthTech. Historically the previous 'ages' bought significant disruption and changes, but on a net basis jobs were created, wealth was enhanced, and the health and security of society improved. What will the Augmented Age bring? Will robots take our jobs, and AI's subsume us as inferior intelligences, or will this usher in a new age of abundance? Augmented is a book on future history, but more than that, it is a story about how you will live your life in a world that will change more in the next 20 years than it has in the last 250 years. Are you ready to adapt? Because if history proves anything, you don't have much of a choice.

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Book cover Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank

Bank 4.0: Banking Everywhere, Never at a Bank

The future of banking is already here ― are you ready? Bank 4.0 explores the radical transformation already taking place in banking, and follows it to its logical conclusion. What will banking look like in 30 years? 50 years? The world’s best banks have been forced to adapt to changing consumer behaviors; regulators are rethinking friction, licensing and regulation; Fintech start-ups and tech giants are redefining how banking fits in the daily life of consumers. To survive, banks are having to develop new capabilities, new jobs and new skills. The future of banking is not just about new thinking around value stores, payment and credit utility ― it’s embedded in voice-based smart assistants like Alexa and Siri and soon smart glasses which will guide you on daily spending and money decisions. The coming Bank 4.0 era is one where either your bank is embedded in your world via tech, or it no longer exists. In this final volume in Brett King’s BANK series, we explore the future of banks amidst the evolution of technology and discover a revolution already at work. From re-engineered banking systems, to selfie-pay and self-driving cars, Bank 4.0 proves that we’re not on Wall Street anymore. Bank 4.0 will help you: Understand the historical precedents that flag a fundamental rethinking in banking Discover low-friction, technology experiences that undermine the products we sell today Think through the evolution of identity, value and assets as cash and cards become obsolete Learn how Fintech and tech “disruptors” are using behaviour, psychology and technology to reshape the economics of banking Examine the ways in which blockchain, A.I., augmented reality and other leading-edge tech are the real building blocks of the future of banking systems If you look at individual technologies or startups disrupting the space, you might miss the biggest signposts to the future and you might also miss that most of we’ve learned about banking the last 700 years just isn’t useful. When the biggest bank in the world isn’t any of the names you’d expect, when branch networks are a burden not an asset, and when advice is the domain of Artificial Intelligence, we may very well have to start from scratch. Bank 4.0 takes you to a world where banking will be instant, smart and ubiquitous, and where you’ll have to adapt faster than ever before just to survive. Welcome to the future.

Book cover Bank 2. 0 : How Customer Behaviour and Technology Will Change the Future of Financial Services

Bank 2. 0 : How Customer Behaviour and Technology Will Change the Future of Financial Services

BANK 2.0 identifies that the toughest challenges are yet to come and predicts the end of banking as we know it. Major international PR to be undertaken. Reveals how the customer is revolutionising the way banks work. Predicts just how much more customer-centric banks will have to become in order to survive. Testimonials from and interviews with top bankers, CEOs and thought leaders. The financial crisis is just beginning for retail institutions. Ninety to ninety-five per cent of bank transactions are executed electronically today. The Internet, ATMs, call centres and smartphones have become mainstream for customers. But banks still classify these as 'alternative channels' and maintain an organisation structure where Branch dominates thinking. Continued technology innovations, Web 2.0, social networking, app phones and mobility are also stretching traditional banking models to the limit. BANK 2.0 reveals why customer behaviour is so rapidly changing, how branches will evolve, why cheques are disappearing, and why your mobile phone will replace your wallet - all within the next 10 years. Brett King is the founder of the International Academy of Financial Management, one of the fastest growing professional associations and training institutes in the world. A regular speaker at top global conferences, he is an acknowledged expert on wealth management, customer experience and retail channel distribution strategy. He also runs User Strategy, a boutique consultancy focused on improving customer interaction for leading financial services companies and businesses. Brett previously helmed the Asia division of Modern Media and the E-Business service line for Deloitte. His clients include HSBC, Citigroup, UBS, Standard Chartered, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and many more


Kira Dubas

Head of Strategy, Wealth Management Technology , Morgan Stanley

Outstanding, it helped us to have meaningful conversations around our role as technology leaders. Our group walked away with a much deeper understanding of the future landscape of banking and how it will be impacted by technology.


Manager, Leadership Development | Leadership Development & Talent Management , TD Bank

You truly did a masterful job of delivering a compelling message that was both informative and inspirational.  Your insights were provocative and eye-opening, and initial audience reactions speak to the power of your story telling.You definitely set the bar for future speakers!

Brett King