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Andrea Putting

When success is not enough, focusing on Compassionate Prosperity will turn your business around to create a legacy worth living.

Social media speaker:

Being successful has long been held as the pinnacle of business. However, it doesn’t bring happiness and fulfilment. When incorporating compassion projects in business success takes on a new meaning. As compassion grows, prosperity follows.

Profile photo of Andrea Putting

About Andrea Putting

Andrea Putting is an inspirational Keynote Speaker, best-seller and award-winning Author and Trusted Advisor to Authentic Influencers. She is an advocate for Social Mission who highlights the successes of those who are making a difference in the world. Business today is looking for something more. They need to connect and feel that they can make a significant difference in the world. Andrea connects them emotionally to the journey and their importance individually as a business and community.


Speaking engagement:

Keynote | Conference Speaker, Presenter, Moderator | Interviewer | Emcee, Webinar | Live Video


Business | Management | Strategy, Motivation | Achievement | Inspiration, Facilitators | Presenters | Moderators, Leadership

Field of Speaker:

Innovators | Visionairs, Authors, Mental coaches

Best Audience:

Csuite/ Executives, Adults, Managers/ Supervisors, Associations, Diverse

Travels from:




Fee range:

Price on request


Compassionate Prosperity - when success is not enough

After becoming successful, there is often a feeling that something is missing. Andrea opens the door to finding satisfaction and fulfilment in business by embracing compassionate projects. • How business prospers when it takes on a social mission • Discover multiple pathways of compassion that can easily be implemented in your business. • Learn how having a legacy you can be proud of can change your life, business and the world.

Compassionate Purpose - Discovering a life of Fulfilment

True success comes from doing something that comes from the heart. Is it time for your business to join the Social Mission revolution? • Uncover your “Beyond the Why.” • Connect with your Ultimate Impact so that you can make a difference in your way. • Discover the language of giving.

Collaborative Prosperity – Growing Teams who Change the world

Co-create the future we all want to have by creating a working environment where all grow and prosper. • Discover the 5C’s to growing a prosperous team • Why it is vital to build community within business? • How implementing co-creative coaching sessions takes a business to a new level of innovation.

Chocolate, coffee and Conversation - Breaking Down Barriers and Building Community

Life’s simple pleasures have great power in breaking down barriers that prevent us from becoming a unified community working together. • What is the ABC of building an inclusive community? • Discover how you can make a difference by sharing the simple pleasures of life • Learn how compassionate listening unifies your team


chocolate and coffee breaks - Building community in your event

Start your event with an interactive session to help participants connect at a deeper level to get the most out of the conference.


In any community, workplace or organisation there can be difference that make it difficult for people to work together. Whether that be cultural, religious, social, ability or simple differences of opinion, Chocolate and Coffee Breaks is a session that helps to break down these barriers to create a more harmonious work environment.



Book cover Compassionate Prosperity - When Success is Not Enough

Compassionate Prosperity - When Success is Not Enough

As Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs, being successful in business is what we all aspire to become. However, even after achieving everything you desire, you can be left feeling empty. Compassionate Prosperity explores how having compassion projects in business turns success into fulfilment and satisfaction for you and your business. As compassion grows, prosperity follows, in your team, community and business. Success takes on a new meaning and a higher purpose as you become an authentic influence. Incorporating stories from the podcast Social Mission Revolution, you will be inspired and guided through how easily your business can join the revolution of Compassionate Prosperity. Compassionate Prosperity had won 2 awards

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Book cover Awakened Stealth Leadership: A Soulful Approach to Growing People and Organisations

Awakened Stealth Leadership: A Soulful Approach to Growing People and Organisations

Inspiring leaders, who grow teams, that change the world. In a world that is crying out for great leaders and great change it is up to each one of us, as leaders, to listen deeply to where the future is calling us and our organisations to be. To survive this time of constant change and awaken consciousness, we need to cultivate leadership that is attuned, aware and right for our times. Awakened Stealth Leadership is about being quietly great, the kind of leader who consciously lifts up their people to become the best they can be. It’s about creating an atmosphere of co-operation and communication, it’s about holding the space where each person can shine as an individual, while working together as a team to bring out their highest future potential as one.

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Book cover Moment of Infinity

Moment of Infinity

Anthology of Daily Devotionals Surrender into the moment of infinity with this collection of reflections, stories and psalms. A moment of infinity lives within each of us. Andrea Putting listens and translates this moment into words, not for the mind but for the soul.

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Book cover Compassionate Purpose - Discovering a Life of Fulfilment

Compassionate Purpose - Discovering a Life of Fulfilment

Compassionate Purpose is a discovery of the calling to service, giving back or paying it forward. When we find a purpose greater than ourselves, we find a sense of fulfilment that can change our lives. Connecting compassion and the desire for purpose brings focus to making the difference that we all long to make, along with a sense of fulfilment and joy that creates a legacy worth living. Incorporating stories from the podcast Social Mission Revolution, you will be inspired and guided through

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News cover Social Mission Revolution

Social Mission Revolution

Podcast On the Social Mission Revolution podcast, we explore some of the greatest under told stories of businesses and of everyday people who are making their Ultimate Impact on the world through Social Mission. They share their stories, their inspirations, their successes and heartaches on the way to making that difference that we all long to make.

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News cover Chocolate and Coffee Breaks

Chocolate and Coffee Breaks

Podcast - It’s time for a chocolate and coffee break. So, grab your cuppa, and let’s listen together to stories from people of all walks of life that will touch your heart and reveal that opposites are the same.As we share together over Chocolate and Coffee, we will hear the stories of people’s lives that will help us to walk in their shoes. As their stories unfold we will have a greater understanding that Opposites are the same. I speak to the experts in the field who share what they have seen, what is changing the world and how we can all contribute so that all can find belonging and acceptance.

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News cover Putting Perspective

Putting Perspective

Taking a look at Community, Business, and Spirituality from Andrea's perspective

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News cover Chocolate, Coffee and Conversation - Changing the world with the Simple pleasures of life

Chocolate, Coffee and Conversation - Changing the world with the Simple pleasures of life

How do we change the world - One chocolate at a time

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News cover Beyond the Why

Beyond the Why

Andrea will take you on a journey Beyond the Why, where you can unleash your Ultimate Impact on the world.

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News cover Compassionate Prosperity - When Success is Not Enough

Compassionate Prosperity - When Success is Not Enough

Andrea speaks at the ABLE Melbourne Event at Crown Casino Complex October 2022

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Leigh-Anne Sharland,

Founder of Building Your Mindset Muscle and Executive Advisor in Change

Sometimes you come across great leaders who have natural abilities but no real understanding of how they do it, so cannot share the why, how, what, when or who. Andrea Putting is a great leader with innate talents that can explain how to become a great leader yourself.

Leo Coco

Success & Personal Development Coach, Project Management Authority

Andrea Putting is a heartfelt, compassionate and strategic thinker who has developed a wonderful concept that acknowledges diversity as a key element of building community. She uses chocolate and coffee to bring people together to engage and get to know each other

Helen McIlroy

Business Owner and Minister

Andrea has the ability to help participants build a greater connection and understanding of each other. To appreciate their diversity. To discover new ways to nurture oneself, acknowledge giftedness, joys and inner strengths.

Andrea Putting