28 May 2021

Valuable Business Conversations - Your Story - Las Vegas

10% of all tickets sold goes to The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada

  • date_range Friday, May 28, 2021
  • schedule 01:00 - 11:00
  • location_on The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada 401 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA
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Organized by Valuable Business Conversations

Description event

When: 28 May 2021 9am till 7pm Venue: The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada Cost: USD $97 per person Las Vegas Brand Ambassador: Paul Sando ------------------------------- These are events held around the world where anyone with "Their Story" can come and speak from first-timers to seasoned speakers. Share your business journey, learn from others and inspire the room. ----------------------------- The idea behind Valuable Business Conversations - Your Story started because Sandy Colombo and Dee Mills were talking to so many people who were GREAT at what they did, just not so great at getting the message out. And it went deeper than that. There are heaps of people who can not get their message heard because there are others with more time and money (and often not as good) who just drown out everyone else. It's simply not a level playing field. Sometimes in business, you just don’t know what you don’t know yet - right? Stories are how we learn. The most powerful stories are often NOT with the person holding the microphone. So how do we make it a level playing field so people can share, learn and be inspired? Come to one of our Valuable Business Conversations - Your Story as a speaker. This offers you as the speaker an opportunity to speak promote and share your learnings on stage The culture of these events are that we “hold the space” for each speaker as the audience. The added benefit for each participant other than speaking is the opportunity to learn from others who are speaking too. Share | Learn | Inspire This is the start of #valuablebusinessconversations Click the "GO" button on your right below the VBC Logo to purchase your ticket!

About the organizer , Valuable Business Conversations

Valuable Business Conversations is a community of like minded business leaders who want to share and grow together.


The LGBTQ Center of Southern Nevada

401 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89101, USA

Get directions Visit venue website