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Tumi Frazier

Tackling Africa's Food Insecurity through appropriate technologies and climate smart agricultural practices for small farmers.

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Only through a fresh approach and appropriate, accessible and affordable technologies can small scale farmers, inclusive of women, be included in the digital and mainstream economy to enable the transformation and digitization of agriculture in Africa.

Profile photo of Tumi Frazier

About Tumi Frazier

Tumi has over 25 year’s business experience and has held executive roles in successful multinational technology companies, with demonstrated know-how of disruptive technologies such as AI & ML. Tumi brings global experience, perspectives, partnerships and good understanding of emerging markets and technologies suitable for Africa’s complex environment. Tumi has deep knowledge and experience facilitating partnerships for "technology for good" or socio-economic innovation products to close digital gaps.


Speaking engagement:

Keynote | Conference Speaker, Moderator | Interviewer | Emcee, Interview | Debate | Panel, Advisory Service, Master Class, Voice Over


Performance | Change | Productivity, Motivation | Achievement | Inspiration, Leadership, Facilitators | Presenters | Moderators

Field of Speaker:

Business Leaders, Innovators | Visionairs, Entrepreneurs

Best Audience:

Diverse, Young Professionals/ Young Talent, Women, Nonprofit

Travels from:

South Africa



Fee range:

from $6000


My Journey - Doing the best with what you have, where you are!

Some people blame their circumstances for who and where they are, but the reality is that people who get on in this world are people who get up and look for circumstances they want; if they can’t find them, they create their own reality. It's not so much about what happens to you but the choices you make and what you do about what happens to you that ultimately makes a difference.

Change resilience

With intensifying competition, increasing customer expectations and declining resources, organizations are expected to produce more – faster and better - with less. We are faced with new expectations and shifting priorities. There are more questions than there are answers; in fact just when you think you have figured out the answer, what you don’t realize is that the question just changed. While this Age of Instability can be challenging and daunting, it can also be exciting and full of great possibilities because the more unpredictable the environment, the greater the opportunity – if you know how to capitalize on it. You can’t wait for the storm to blow over; you’ve got to learn to work in the rain.

Re-thinking the approach to business in africa

There are opportunities that exist within the 4 – 5 billion people living on less than $1 or $2 a day who are unserved or underserved by the large private sectors and multinationals. This is an emerging market that has been ignored by the private sector until recently. This market requires innovative technologies, products, services and business models relevant to their specific need. There is a mistaken assumption that business opportunities only exist in the middle class market. The bottom of the pyramid market has potential to create many new entrepreneurs and micro enterprises at grass roots levels. low income individuals should be viewed as full participants, consumers, and entrepreneurs in local economies rather than passive recipients of charity.


Regardless of whether people want to start their own businesses or pursue a specific career, in today’s world, an entrepreneurial mindset is a necessity. An entrepreneurial mind-set is a critical mix of success-oriented attitudes of initiative, intelligent risk-taking, collaboration, opportunity recognition, self- direction and technological savvy which are critical for everyone. Entrepreneurship instils a fundamental life skill of creative thinking and promotes a strong sense of self-worth and accountability. Ultimately, Entrepreneurial Education and Mentorship prepares women and youth in particular, to be responsible, enterprising individuals who contribute to economic development and sustainable communities.


empowered women empower nations

Why are women afraid to ask for promotions, increases or charge what they are worth in business? Why do we wait until we can tick all the boxes required for a job before we can apply for it? Tumi Frazier provides holistic, personalized and relevant educational programs and support for women in leadership and business. The Academy is set out to create a supportive environment that makes it easier for women to manage own careers, start and grow businesses and access mentorship for excellence. Cultivating qualities such as resilience, change –readiness, drive, ability to deal with ambiguity, self- discipline, self-worth, self-confident, leadership, leveraging relationships and negotiations skills are some of the topics covered.

Passing the torch to the next generation

Personal characteristics such as a sense of initiative, the inherent need for achievement, problem solving, self-efficacy, communication, learning agility, leadership, self-awareness and resilience are all necessary for young professionals; they provide a foundation for career developent, innovative business start-ups, improve their employability, and enhance their greater role in society. Tumi unlocks potential by cultivating and nurturing leadership qualities and effective work habits that enable individuals and teams to compete globally.



Book cover YOUR MOMENT


A simple, holistic, pragmatic self-assessment critique book that embraces the fundamentals for positive growth, introspection and development. It provides practical principles and techniques to achieve success in every area of one’s life. *Your Moment is also available in French and Portuguese.

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Book cover Stepping Stones to Success

Stepping Stones to Success

Featuring some of the most prominent speakers and authors in the United States; Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Dr Denis Waitley and Tumi Frazier This is a must read for those who want to learn from some of the most knowledgeable and innovative thinkers of our time. Between the covers of this book readers learn exciting new ideas about how to enrich their personal and work life. The experts included in this book are well qualified to give readers what they need to unleash their potential and creativity. Their ideas will help readers discover the infinite possibilities that await them as they continue their life’s journey. ​

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Book cover In the Midst of the Storm

In the Midst of the Storm

What do you do when faced with trials and tribulations that are debilitating? How do you remain calm in the midst of the storm? How do you continue to believe in God’s goodness when everything seems lost? This book contains Kingdom strategies, scriptures and stories that will give you comfort and strength in your time of need. In the Midst of the Storm will enable you to develop skills to maneuver through difficulties.

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Book cover Courageous Stories of Inspiration

Courageous Stories of Inspiration

The book features influential speakers Dr. Robert Schuller, Ann Jillian, Dave Dravecky, Bill Treasurer and Tumi Frazier. These speakers offer their testimonies and more in frank and intimate interviews. ​

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News cover If you cant fire them; dont hire them.

If you cant fire them; dont hire them.

In my experience as a business mentor and coach, mixing business and friendship can be very tricky unless effectively managed and clear boundaries or expectations set up-front. As an entrepreneur, part of your responsibility is to hire people who add value to your business and if you realize that they are not the right fit, your responsibility is to fire them. It’s that simple.

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News cover Understanding the drivers of consumer spending in Africa

Understanding the drivers of consumer spending in Africa

If you plan to launch a business or new products on the African continent, it’s important to consider other factors that drive consumer spending power over and above the demographic growth data.

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News cover Are meetings a total waste of time?

Are meetings a total waste of time?

Meetings are essential for enabling collaboration, innovation, fostering relationships and ensuring proper information sharing. Yet, they often end up wasting the time of those attending. They interrupt productive employees, lower employee morale and consume huge amounts of personal and company time when they are excessive, poorly planned and conducted.

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News cover How high are you aiming?

How high are you aiming?

If you aim high in life or business, even if you don't quite hit the mark; you will inevitably end up doing much better than you would otherwise.

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News cover Changing Africa's Narrative

Changing Africa's Narrative

Creating ONE African Market

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News cover Why Peer-to-Peer- Mentorship is essential

Why Peer-to-Peer- Mentorship is essential

The best mentor is the one who has walked the path you are on.

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Valerie Ansley

Financial Manager, Alender Forbes - Financial Services PTY (Ltd)

A true professional; able to skillfully control and guide a large, diverse audience with empathy. Self assured, genuine, energetic yet relaxed – This dynamic lady urges her listeners to seize the moment. Tumi creates a safe environment and meaningful discussions for attendees.

Grathel Motau

Chairperson, KPMG Network of Women

platform for uplifting KPMG women; KNOW benefits immensely from interactions with inspiring, powerful and authentic women such as yourself. Your ability take some of the most complex topics and make As a them relatable to your audience is incredible. Look forward to the next talk

Yoav Duek

Executive Director, Dashpay (FinancialTechnology)

The best teacher is the one who shows you where to look but doesn't tell you what to see. This is the kind of a coach and teacher Tumi Frazier is. She inspires others to take positive action; this is IMPACT! She is articulate, professional and passionate about her CRAFT.

Tumi Frazier